Wednesday, May 11, 2011

love is the coal that makes this train roll

The hot is here.
(You may think, no way-it's too early for the hot, but don't forget that Spring is a lost concept on Memphis, it's either raining buckets or it's hot as hades.)
It just got here a few days ago. It hasn't completely shown its muggy self yet, but it's definitely here.
It kind of lays in wait for a bit, just long enough to let you get used to the comforting warmth and the ability to breathe outside.
That's when it jumps out and OOGA BOOGA'S everybody into heatstroke. 
But, for these precious few weeks before the humidity negates any attempts at lasting makeup or straightened hair, it does feel pretty wonderful out.

can't get enough:
Sun. I am feeling rather ghostly this week because it is finally warm enough to wear dresses and sandals, but my legs haven't seen the sun in so long they've forgotten what melanin is. This doesn't bode well for my upcoming beach time, as I am pretty fair-skinned and prone to the sunburns. I'm sneaking in some laying out [at least for my legs] on my lunch breaks, and we're just going to hope for the best...
stuck in my head:
Everlasting Light [The Black Keys]. Pretty much the entire Brothers album is fantastic, but I've been singing this one for a few days now. Some songs are just plain good. This is one of those songs. I cannot WAIT to see these guys live next week!
gimme some more:
Big breakfast. Like CK's meets Cracker Barrel and has a baby type breakfast. I'm talking hash browns, biscuits, scrambled eggs, lots of bacon, grits, some fruit, maybe even a waffle if I'm feeling crazy. The works. And now my stomach is growling. Suddenly my breakfast of peanut butter toast and a banana is seeming sorely insufficient.
can't put it down:
Portal 2 [xbox 360]. lkj got it for his b-day, along with Mortal Kombat. If you aren't actually playing the game, just watching, you might get a little motion sick. But playing it is super fun! It's not your average shoot-em-up video game. In team mode, it's kind of like a big puzzle. You have to work together and shoot portals and you have to figure out how to use mass and velocity to beat it and it's kind of hard to explain and it might not sound that awesome but it so is, I'm just not doing it justice. lkj and I played it till our eyes were burning last night. I'm way better at Portal than I am at Mortal Kombat. I suck at Mortal Kombat.
lesson learned:
Sticking to your guns actually works sometimes, which is pretty awesome.
can't wait till:
I got Hangout on the brain right now, so, naturally, that is what I am most excited about. Also, I'm working everyday up until the day we leave, so I don't really have time to be excited about much else. We'll go ahead and throw in there that I am excited about a paycheck though. Yay for getting on the payroll =)
this week in stills:
Most of lkj's b-day celebration is still sitting on my camera, which is sitting on my dresser at home. But I do have one on my phone, and that is of me getting hit in the face with a dart. Yes, he got a nerf gun. The guys turned into 12 year olds for about an hour and it was pretty hilarious to watch. Also, I told you I was translucent. 

For all you 8 to 5-ers out there, you made it halfway through! For the rest of you, I got nothing.

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